


About Me


For one week I was living in Mazatlán, a beautiful little coastal town. I was staying in a hostel a little off the centre, but close to one of the best surf spots in the area.

I only made it to town on my last day and was more than happy to spend my time in the hostel or on the beach. In the neighbourhood I could find everything I needed, different convenient stores, restaurants, cafés and bars were in walking distance of the funky monkey hostel and the people there were as great as the place.

Several times per hour a bus leaves from the main street to the centre and surrounding neighbourhoods, so I went to discover the old town. The colonial houses are painted in all colours and the streets decorated with palm trees and little squares. On the weekend I found artist and merchants setting up an evening market in the main square Palazio Minucipal and Musicians perform on their way through the streets and restaurants. The evening entertainment was amazing and throughout the day the city has many cultural associations offering a diverse program. High life would be in September and October when Mazatlán is hosting a festival with many theatre performances, concerts and exhibitions.