
We live in a pandemic for over a year, my hometown was just flooded due to extreme weather. The world seems to be showing us that everything is fragile, and you can’t really plan for anything because you never know…. So, I will go without a plan really. Since nothing is certain and my job is super stressful, I live day by day and didn’t even realise that the trip is only 3 weeks away. But I can’t wait. After being back in Germany for over 3 years now I am looking the most forward to getting my backpack ready again. Knowing that all I need, I’ve got with me and if I like a place, I’ll stay, and if not so much, I’ll just take my trusted backpack and keep on finding places that provide room and experiences.


Booking a long-distance flight when you basically don’t know if you will be allowed to leave your house next week is a risky business, but to just hold back with life till this is over is even more risky I believe. At least for me personally and that’s why my travel buddy and I decided to just book a one-way ticket to Sao Paulo and see what will happen. We have six weeks and will most likely stay in Brazil over the whole time.

While I love preparing for travel, I never put together an itinerary for my trips or even book travel and accommodation in advance.


I do though:

* buy a good size map of the country that I’m going to and put it up in the hall. Whenever I hear a recommendation, I can check out where it is, or I just look at the map to get the know the layout of the country. I might even mark places that I would like to see or flag the ones where extra caution is needed when traveling. I have a passion for maps. While during the travels it is a helpful companion it also deserves a special place in the flat, bringing a part of the travel flair back to fill the rooms.


* browse in outdoor shops and get some bits and bobs. I mostly go in for the Vorfreude (German noun meaning a joyful anticipation that is almost as good as the anticipated event itself). Strolling around the spacious levels looking at backpacks, travel books, car tents, knifes and gadgets makes my feed itch.

For the trip to Brazil this summer I treated myself to a compact hammock and one of these cute little mixed spice dispensers.


* learn some of the language. For some trips this is more necessary than for others. But since I don’t speak Portuguese and only limited Spanish, I should put a little more effort into this one. I think it is very important to be able to communicate with the locals and language really helps getting to know the culture.


* join travel groups and sites on social media to get ideas where to go and get a feel how people are traveling in the areas. While traveling I also use these communities to connect with fellow travellers and potentially find some travels buddies. For Brazil I found there to be few active backpacking groups, at least on Facebook, where I roam. While traveling Mexico there was an abundance of like-minded people connecting through social media, exchanging places, tips on how to get around, where to eat and how to meet others. Maybe the international backpacking community in Brazil just isn’t as big or the need to be posting and asking for everything on social media isn’t as strong. I’m sure I won’t be lacking any information once I get there and talk to the people.

In general, I love to travel off the beaten track and experience the country and culture, the food, the festivals, art, attitude and mostly their way of life. Especially the last point draws me to the beaches of south America, the impressions I was able to collect in Mexico and Columbia tally with the way I want to live.

The buzzing but calm and effortless down to ground living, that is taken day by day and enjoyed all along the work and leisure makes time not matter anymore. Here, life is real but beautiful.

Brazil, I believe will offer just that as well as so much more. I will not limit my trip to what I can imagine but will be open to experience all different facets of South Americas largest country. Luckily our world is so connected these days, that I happened to meet several people familiar with Brazil in the last few weeks alone. Each of which told me about the beautiful rivers, mountains, towns, parties, or people shaping the country. That Brazil is not considered as save as Germany does not overshadow its appeal. So, if one is open to get out there into life, all that’s needed is a backpack with all your essentials, probably money, and most importantly an open mind as well as a little courage and trust within yourself and the world.  

ready to rock'n roll