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The Huasteca Potosina is a vast area ranging across the states San Luis Potosi, Tamaulipas and Hidalgo. I had made a made in Zacatecas and we ended up in the same hostel in San Luis where we rented a car to explore the region for four days. 


For the first two nights we chose Ciudad Valles as a base, within a few hours drive many natural phenomena can be visited. The city itself doesn’t have a lot to offer, but maybe I did miss some hidden gems since I barely spend any time in town. Along the way to Ciudad Valles there are a few little detours we took to see landmarks.

First, we stopped at the Madia Luna Lagoon. It is a stunning place, turquoise water streams through the trees and little islands, there are loads of small fish in the water and the air is filled with butterflies and dragonflies. It is a beautiful spot for swimming, a pick-nick, camping and browsing the little crafts stalls.

El Trampolin

Just before getting to Ciudad Valles, we were making use of the lats bit of sunlight to take a walk through the El Trampolin waterfalls. It is a lovely little assembly of pools and water steps next to a openly accessible path. Right next to it is also the more popular and impressive Cascada Tamasopo waterfall but we only arrived 20 minutes before it would close, and the guards still asked for the full entry price of 130 pesos, so we skipped this one.

El Salto

The next day we discovered we few places in the northers area. Around two hours from Ciudad Valles you can find El Salto Waterfall, arriving at the foot there are several small and deeper pools. The Water is used by the nearby power station and often diverted into their turbines drying out the waterfall itself and leading it back into the river further down the stream. A little path leads to the top and view over the beautiful surroundings.

El Meco

A few kilometres to the south the impressive Cascada El Meco pours tons of water down one of the highest waterfalls in the Huasteca. Next to the restaurant on the side of the waterfall there is a small viewpoint onto the powerful sight. Those two Waterfalls are not very well known and hard to reach with public transport. Easiest would be to have a car, but from El Narajo Taxies are not too expensive and easily available, the trip will be worthwhile when you stand peacefully in the breath taking nature.

Minjas Viejas

A bit south of El Naranjo are the Minjas Viejas, over a short path you get down to the pool or the viewpoint. Next to the picknick tables camping is possible and there are safety vests available to take a refreshing dip in the clear turquoise water. The main waterfall crashes down into the pool from 50 metres with an immense power.

De Micos

Circling back to Ciudade Valles we also passed the Micos waterfalls near the city. It is a popular weekend destination for the citizens of Ciudad Valles, several smaller waterfalls down the river create beautiful pools along the beautifully build riverbank. Food palapas and artist offer their crafts, safety vests for swimming and boats are available to rent and the nicely cared for area is inviting to spend the day. Though this is a quite touristy spot and an entry of 30 pesos was to be admitted.


The following day we went up to Xilitla to spend the night. Tamul is the biggest waterfall in San Luis and one of the most popular ones. The signs on the country road will take you to a tour base from where you can take a boat up the river to reach the waterfall, it is quite pricy if you are no good at bargaining, but the tour was amazing. Paddling through the canyon for two and a half hours was a unique experience and paid off with a stunning view up the 105 metres Tamul fall.

It is also possible to get to the top following a small hidden path, here are some pools to swim in and from there you can climb down to the river. This way would be free and more peace full but not easily accessible.

Cave of Swallows

Just in time for sunset we made it to the cave of swallows to witness the fascinating spectacle taking please every sunrise and sunset that has acceptable weather for flying. Hundreds of swallows are leaving the deep vertical cave and returning to it putting on a show for the many tourists who take the steep path down. Unfortunately, it had been rather cloudy that day and so no swallows had left the cave and therefore no one returned but the hike down to the cave was worth it anyways. And as a bonus we could buy freshly picked citrus fruits from locals with small baskets sitting under the orange trees along the way.

Late that night we arrived to the mystical Hostel in the jungle next to Xilitla and James Edwards Gardens. The exterior was decorated with psychedelic art pieces and in between the trees colourful painted tipis for accommodation creating a fascinating space.

Las Pozas

The last day of the road trip we got up early to visit Las Pozas. The British poet and surrealist Edward James constructed this Garden in the late 20th century, he build structures, bridges, paths and pools with unique architecture and style into a huge area in the jungle near Xilitla. It is an incredible, stunning place to wonder around the small paths and discover something new behind every corner or end up at a totally unexpected familiar place and getting lost a little bit.

From Xilitla we had a 350 km drive ahead of us, back to San Luis Potosi. Because my mate was keen to see some churches along the way we made a couple of stops and spend a little while in the quiet towns.

San Luis Potosi

I circled back here after the road trip and enjoyed being back here. It is a nice medium sized city accommodating a few museums and churches. There are two big markets where anything can be purchased, and the old town is packed with street vendors selling delicious snacks.

To the north of the city lies one of the biggest parks in Mexico where many attractions, museums and big gardens build a lush escape from the packed streets.

The best bars and restaurants all with roof tops can be found along the Avenida Universidad. Some are specialised in Mescal and offer a huge variety and good music.