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As far as I can tell, the cities in Quintana Roo each have a touristic quarter and a backstage area for residents. The zona Hotelera in Cancun presents luxurious shopping malls, fancy Hotels and a party strip of another dimension.  Along the prettily maintained beach front you can stroll through a Caribbean dream of white beaches, palm trees and pina coladas in huge cocktail glasses. Every few meters eager promoters are trying to engage you in sightseeing tours or jet ski rentals.

Get yourself away from this and into the downtown you will find a very different city, that of locals, expands and backpackers. Street vendors offer a variety of local food and refreshments. Buskers are playing Spanish music and salsa and bachata sounds pour out of the little bars. On many of the big squares people gather on the weekends and dance accompanied by small live bands. And the prices are sometimes not even half of what you would be paying in the touristic area.

Only last night I had the same experience in Cozumel, and it inspired me to write about this. A taco close to the harbour was supposed to cost 130 Pesos but a few minutes’ walk into the more rural part I found a small eatery where we had a meal for two including drinks and tip for 170 pesos. Even financially it is more than worth it to wonder away from the touristic centre and dive into the real life. There the food and the mood are much more authentic and transport the unique way of life in this country.